About us
In our opinion, a humane, restrictive drug policy aims to keep consumption down in order to reduce the harmful effects. It is a policy with a strong focus on prevention and early detection, where the preventive work is carried out in collaboration between different actors such as schools, social services, police, municipal coordinators and voluntary organisations. There is well-functioning and equivalent care and treatment. It is, in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, based on the child’s right to be protected from the illegal use of drugs and does not forget families and relatives. It is simply a policy where it is difficult to start using drugs, but easy to get support to stop.
Narkotikapolitiskt Center, Swedish Drug Policy Center, is not an organization of its own, but a network where the following organizations are part of the steering group and contribute to the activities in various ways: Studieförbundet NBV; Sveriges Landsråd för alkohol- och narkotikafrågor, SLAN; Blå Bandet; Sveriges Blåbandsungdom, SBU; LP-verksamheten, IOGT-NTO, Ungdomens Nykterhetsförbund, UNF; Föräldraföreningen mot Narkotika, FMN; Junis; Kriminellas Revansch i Samhället, KRIS; Anhöriga Mot Droger, AMD; Svenska Frisksportförbundet; Frisksportens Ungdomsförbund; KSAN; Stockholms Länsnykterhetsförbund; Svenska Sällskapet för Nykterhet och Folkbildning och Nordiska Godtemplarrådet, NGR.
The activities are financed by the contributions of the above organizations in different ways; through money or personnel or other requested contributions from non-profit as well as public organizations.
Reports and webinars in English
Drug policy in Germany
UN system on drug decriminalization
Webinar: Photo voice as a method in recovery
Webinar: From decriminalization to recriminalization
Webinar: Life in recovery
Narkotikapolitiskt Center
c/o Tollare Folkhögskola
132 42 Saltjö-Boo